Friday, August 2, 2013


             What is freedom?  Freedom can be many things, for instance, when the pilgrims came to America because they wanted religious freedom, freedom to worship the way they wished without being made to worship another way.  Or when America fought Great Britain for freedom to govern themselves.  There are many examples of freedom that I could talk about but the one that has changed my life the most is the freedom to surrender my burdens to God and to become free from them.  We as people have the greatest freedom a person could have.  We can call on the Lord whenever and wherever we are and He hears us.  But do we always take advantage of our freedoms that we are so greatly blessed with?  Do we hold on to those burdens that are pulling us farther and farther away from having a real relationship with Christ?  Sadly the answer is yes for some of us.

             Two years ago I had some real burdens that were pulling me down I didn't want to give them up because, of course, I'm strong, I can hold any load and I don't need the help of anyone else to hold them for me.  What I didn't realize was that I was holding on to unnecessary things, when I could surrender them to God and be happier without them in my life. After months of holding these burdens I gave them to God, and it was like I could breath a deep breath of air and after that I could actually have a relationship with Him where as before it was always hard to. Now I don't have that barrier that had been separating me from Christ.    

           God has given us the option of freedom by only putting our burdens on Him.  It says in
Psalms 55:22 that if we cast our burdens on Him, He will sustain us.  We are too weak to carry those unnecessary burdens. We may think we are strong enough but really are we?  We are weaker than a ant compared to our Heavenly Father's strength.  So why are we holding on to those burdens still?  Why not cast our burdens upon the Lord who is stronger than we and will carry those burdens for us?

-1 Peter 5:7